Author Archive: insectrecipes
Damn Good Reasons to Eat Insects
What is really in the food you eat, or the food you are feeding your family? Are you one of those label conscious people? Do you steer away from artificial/GMO ingredients? Maybe you are the kind that is aware and simply try and pick the “best” or “cleanest” versions of products at the store. Whoever you are, and wherever you fall on this spectrum, I think you should definitely entertain the idea of adding insects to your diet!
Continue ReadingMealworms For Your Next Meal: Humane And Nutritious, But What About Delicious?
For us in the West, insects as a food are often considered the final frontier of the human diet. We know we can eat them—people all over the world do every day—but most of us are reserving this experience as our last ditch resort when the food apocalypse eliminates all the ‘real’ meat choices. But […]
Continue ReadingCricket Flour: The New Rave for Diet and Exercise
If you’re visiting this site, we can probably assume that you have some interest in testing some buggy concoctions. Cricket flour is usually the first insect food many people are willing to try: it doesn’t look like bugs, it doesn’t taste like bugs (most describe it as having a nutty flavor), and you can easily […]
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Cricket Flour: Questions Answered about Your ‘Gateway Bug’
Of all the different types of edible insects out there, crickets are the most commonly eaten. This is true for places like Southeast Asia and Central America, where they can often form a big part of the diet, and in the Western world. For whatever reason, crickets seem to be the ‘gateway bug’ for Americans […]
Continue ReadingTaco Tuesday with a Twist
It’s Tuesday night and your family is demanding Mexican food yet again. In recent weeks, you’ve been though the usual round of taco fillers: carne asada, chicken, refried beans, and even fish. Maybe it’s time to try a healthier, more authentic approach to Mexican-style cuisine.
Continue ReadingInsect Delicacies from the Land of Smiles
Here are details on some of the many Thai delicacies that come with a buggy crunch. After mustering up some courage on a few late night cocktails, you might be brave enough to take a bite on your next trip to Thailand.
Continue ReadingFour Western Myths about Eating Insects
Like most taboos across cultures, Western fears of eating insects are fueled by myths. Here are a few common misconceptions that keep insects a creepy crawly aversion in America today.
Continue ReadingInsect Meals From Around the World
People from the West may cringe at the idea of eating insects for a meal, but they’re the only ones. ‘Entomophagy,’ or the consumption of insects, is regularly practiced by about 80% of the world’s countries. Here are examples of common meals using insects as an ingredient.
Continue ReadingAffordable and Unique Sites Where You Can Buy Edible Insects
People in the US and Europe are beginning to gain interest in what much of the rest of the world has known all along—that insects are a practical, healthy, and in many ways delicious part of the human diet. Here is where to buy insects to eat.
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